Why you should choose Redwood Decking

Why you should choose Redwood Decking

It’s hard not to love redwood. Trees so large, with such a strong root system that when cut down will just point up a shoot and start over again. This makes sense when thinking about the world of composite decking, that odd mix of wood and plastic, made from one-hundred-percent recycled materials means that when

How to Tell if You Have a Good Physical Therapist

How to Tell if You Have a Good Physical Therapist

If you’ve been injured, and the injuries have been severe, you will likely need surgery and then a long period of time with a physical therapist. These medical professionals are trained on how to treat and help heal all kinds of injuries. From musculoskeletal injuries, and injuries that have to do with degenerative conditions affecting

What We’ve Learned Since Canadian Legalization of Cannabis

What We’ve Learned Since Canadian Legalization of Cannabis

It has been three months since cannabis has been legalized in Canada. Among all the hustle and bustle of ending the criminalization of cannabis, there have been some interesting findings. Interest in recreational cannabis has increased, medicinal cannabis use is continuing to grow, and people who believed that legalization would have a negative impact on

Get Fit and Have Fun with These 3 Activities

Get Fit and Have Fun with These 3 Activities

“Fun fitness” may seem like an oxymoron. Just take a look around the average gym, where men and women strain to support barbells, trudge through a workout on the treadmill or plod through a bootcamp class that just won’t end. These are effective ways to get in shape, to be sure, but they lack excitement.

Why You Should Celebrate the Holidays in a Luxury Car

Why You Should Celebrate the Holidays in a Luxury Car

As the year comes to a close, most North Americans are going over their finances one last time before the holidays. For many, one of the biggest questions will be whether or not to replace their current vehicle with a new model before the New Year. There are plenty of reasons why December is the