If You Own a Home in Los Angeles You can Make Great Money Renting it Out For Movies

If You Own a Home in Los Angeles You can Make Great Money Renting it Out For Movies

If you own a property in Los Angeles, look to get your property registered with one of the services that register properties with locations scouts. One side benefit in addition to the rental fees is that productions will often do upgrades to the home or business, to fit the script and whatever they add or upgrade, stays when they leave.

10 Ways to Improve Chances of Getting Promoted at Work

10 Ways to Improve Chances of Getting Promoted at Work

(Image Credit: Flickr) Hoping to move up the ladder with your current company? Getting promoted at work sometimes doesn’t happen on our timeline. Promotions are never a given with a company, and it’s become more important than ever that an employee take steps to manage their own career path. Believe it or not, there are

Reduce The Pain Points Of Shipping Your IT Equipment Across Borders

Reduce The Pain Points Of Shipping Your IT Equipment Across Borders

With technologies advancing faster than ever before, and countless service providers preparing to expand globally, there is great opportunity for value-added resellers to begin making international connections particularly where cloud-based technologies are concerned. Companies that are growing must set up the type of infrastructure that is necessary to transmit a strong signal to their users,

Why Do Businesses Close?

Why Do Businesses Close?

One of the most horrifying sights for most business owners is to see another company going out of business altogether, unless it is the competition perhaps, and as most owners know only too well, this is something which occurs with far too much regularity. Being a business owner these days is about far more than

What Can Damage Your Company’s Online Reputation?

What Can Damage Your Company’s Online Reputation?

As business owners, we hear a lot about reputation, image and branding and it is essential that we understand why these are all important. The fact of the matter is that there are more businesses being created than ever before, the result of this is that there is more competition in almost all industries and