There have been few more exciting industries to emerged in recent times than the cannabidiol (CBD) industry. The alternative health market has been awash with products made from the industrial hemp plant, which are non-psychoactive you offer several of the health benefits that you can get from cannabis. After deciding that you want to try
Different Types Of Heart Disease You Should Be Aware Of
Our heart is one of the most important organs in the body. It is impossible to live without it but you surely know that. What you most likely do not know is that there are numerous heart diseases that can happen. Diseases can develop while aging or can be congenital. No matter the case, blood
Tatiana Regan – How She Quit Smoking
Despite so many people having quit smoking in recent years owing to many bans, more information about health and of course the rising costs of cigarettes, a great many people have trouble trying to kick the habit. My good friend Tatiana Regan was in this boat for a very long time and although she never
Kami Hoss – The Benefits of Dental Braces
My dentist Kami Hoss had recommended that I get braces for many years and I was always on the fence with it, I knew that I wanted to fix my teeth but I was always looking for an alternative to having to have braces. Eventually I trusted in my super dentist and I am so
Roger Olade – Benefits of Using Tech in Medicine
Last year my family and I relocated to Arizona from New York because of my wife’s job change and it has taken us quite a while to scratch beneath the surface of the community. We have been greatly helped by our neighbor Dr. Roger Olade who works at the local hospital here in Arizona. My
History of The Stairlift and How It Started with King Henry the VIII
It is said that towards the end of his life, King Henry the VIII was so obese and had developed physical mobility problems that required to be moved by mechanical contraptions. A serious leg injury he developed while jousting would require the overweight king to be moved up the stairs of the Whitewall Palace. Even
How to Tell if You Have a Good Physical Therapist
If you’ve been injured, and the injuries have been severe, you will likely need surgery and then a long period of time with a physical therapist. These medical professionals are trained on how to treat and help heal all kinds of injuries. From musculoskeletal injuries, and injuries that have to do with degenerative conditions affecting
What Physical Therapists focus On During Your Session
When you are a patient, your physical therapist has a clear agenda for getting you back to good health. It starts with an in-depth assessment of your injuries, consultation to discuss what happened and what issues you might have, discussion about the types of therapies to be used and, finally, the goals that are expected
Get Fit and Have Fun with These 3 Activities
“Fun fitness” may seem like an oxymoron. Just take a look around the average gym, where men and women strain to support barbells, trudge through a workout on the treadmill or plod through a bootcamp class that just won’t end. These are effective ways to get in shape, to be sure, but they lack excitement.
The Wonderful Grain That Should Be In Everyone’s Diet
For years, people were praising quinoa as the must-have item to stock in their kitchen cupboards, but now there is another ancient grain that is growing in popularity. Teff is the wonderful ingredient that businesses should use in their health-conscious recipes. Teff is an ancient grain with a mild nutty flavor that has been in