Businesses rely on their IT systems to work perfectly at all times. Problems need to be dealt with efficiently by a reliable IT support team. Depending on the type of business, IT problems could lead to lost customers or difficulties with clients. Hire a professional IT services in Perth to take care of everything
Defend Yourself Against a DDoS Attack
If your site is publicly known, you might be worrying about attracting the attention of hackers. Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) are a common tactic that they employ, as they can deny the general public access to your website, costing you untold amounts in sales. What’s worse, it is often used as a distraction
A beginner’s guide to mobile marketing
If you are just starting up a business, we hope that you understand how important marketing is to its long-term success. In essence, marketing is the art that brands and businesses use to induce their target market to check out their products. Open your eyes: marketing is everywhere in this world, as it is hard
Basic SEO tips to get your website seen
The world wide web is becoming a busier place with every passing year. While this is a good indicator that business is booming, it also means that it is becoming more congested as well. It is more important than ever to be SEO literate so that your web property doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.
Smartphone Predictions for 2016/2017
Each year smartphones keep getting more and more sophisticated. You can never truly know which way technology is heading but here are some of our smartphone for predictions for 2016/2017. Augmented Reality For many of us Pokemon Go was our first experience with augmented. Though app have been playing around with the technologies for several years,
Dos and Don’ts of Dating Apps
These days dating apps are all the rage, whether its OkCubpid, Tindr, or Grindr; people are meeting up through their smart phones in astonishing numbers. Here are some tips on how to survive the new (and often brutal) world of dating apps. Be Honest While its a wide known phenomenon that people lie about themselves online,