There is a very large difference between a standard attorney and a great one and for any of you who desire to one day hold the position of being an attorney, learning from the greats is something which you should certainly try to do. I am very pleased to say that one of my very best friends is one of the greatest attorneys in the state. Jonathan Levin Philadelphia-based attorney at law was once, like me, one of the misfits at school yet he has still managed to go on to forge an outstanding career as a serial winner. I have been both a client and a friend of Jonathan over the years and here is what it is that makes him so great.
Whether representing the state regarding funds, a business regarding an incorrect expose defamation or an ordinary member of the public, Jonathan always gives 100% to his cases. Some attorneys will work harder on some cases than others but this is simply not true in the case of Jonathan, who works tirelessly regardless of the case.
There is no question that all lawyers and legal professionals go into their career with a great deal of love for the law, but there are not so many that maintain this love throughout their careers. Jonathan however is most certainly someone that still, after 25 years, adores all aspects of the law and his own place within it. The love that he has is what enables him to be so passionate about what he does and why he is constantly dedicated to working as hard as he possibly can, day in and day out.
Even after such a long time in the legal profession Jonathan stills studies just as hard as he used to when he was a law student. This is in part because it is habitual and also because he is committed to staying on top of ay new laws, legislation changes or any new cases that are being taken forward, that he may be able to learn from. This passion for studying is why Jonathan is not just a standard attorney but a great one and it ensures that he is almost always the smartest guy in the room.
TV dramas may have you believe that every attorney wins cases alone but this is simply not the case and a great attorney is one who is able to assemble a great legal team, and then confide in them to do their job. This is yet another reason why Jonathan is one of the best attorneys out there, because for him it is all about the team dynamic, and how he can best support the team, rather than how they can best support him. A good team is necessary and that is why the very best attorneys are able to assemble highly talented groups of people.