Drones – Military Technology with Civilian Applications

Drones – Military Technology with Civilian Applications

Known in military circles as “unmanned aircraft systems”, drones are basically unmanned aircraft that can be operated by remote control, or by onboard computers. They were developed by militaries for, well, military purposes but like other cool pieces of military technology that we now take for granted – like microwaves, duct tape, and the internet

Hiring a Sex Crimes Attorney in the State of Texas

Hiring a Sex Crimes Attorney in the State of Texas

The state of Texas is home to a numerous amount of attorneys and lawyers ranging from defense attorneys to sex crimes attorneys. Though all of these law professionals do have specialized professions and will only represent those who fit into their field, you’ll find that there is still a good selection of lawyers to choose

The Latest Scoop on Social Media Management Suites

The Latest Scoop on Social Media Management Suites

In 2017, digital marketing professionals are expected to look beyond SEO when they design online branding campaign for their clients, and they will certainly use social media management suites for this purpose. Enterprise social media management software (ESMMS), more commonly known as social media suites, allows marketing professionals to monitor real-time conversations, identify trends, spot

Safe Investments for Late-Start Retirement Savers

Safe Investments for Late-Start Retirement Savers

Although it is true that the earlier you start the better when it comes to retirement savings, it is never too late to get ready for your retirement. The needs and strategies of “late-starters” will be different than those of people who started younger – and you should definitely seek advice from retirement experts like

Protein After Weight Loss Surgery

Protein After Weight Loss Surgery

Fad diets are almost constantly topic of conversation. This is because, as a nation, we are obsessed with losing weight, but so few of us actually manage to do it. While some diets work in a very short term, most people end up putting weight back on, and often more than they started with. As