Improving your timing in addition to your technique allows for safe, high-repetition kettlebell swing sets that will increase work capacity, functional explosiveness as well as muscular endurance. The kettlebell swing is also a gateway into a number of other ballistic kettlebell exercises. These movements have even more benefits for your strength, conditioning as well as
How to Tell if You Have a Good Physical Therapist
If you’ve been injured, and the injuries have been severe, you will likely need surgery and then a long period of time with a physical therapist. These medical professionals are trained on how to treat and help heal all kinds of injuries. From musculoskeletal injuries, and injuries that have to do with degenerative conditions affecting
Get Fit and Have Fun with These 3 Activities
“Fun fitness” may seem like an oxymoron. Just take a look around the average gym, where men and women strain to support barbells, trudge through a workout on the treadmill or plod through a bootcamp class that just won’t end. These are effective ways to get in shape, to be sure, but they lack excitement.
Perfect Roast Potatoes
Do you know how many calories are in a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings? 1,922 calories to be exact. Almost the same amount of an average woman’s daily calorie intake. Christmas certainly is a time to eat, drink and be merry, but it doesn’t have to be the time of year where healthy eating
Top Tips For Getting That Summer Body
So here we are, a new year and if you’re anything like me then you’ll probably have gained some extra weight over the holiday season. If I’m being completely honest, my weight wasn’t exactly where I want sit to be prior to the holidays but we all know that November isn’t exactly the best time