The History of Gambling in Australia: A Comprehensive Overview

Gambling has been a popular pastime in Australia for generations, with a range of different forms of gambling having been enjoyed by Australians throughout history. From early horse racing and lotteries to the introduction of casinos and electronic gaming machines, gambling has become an integral part of Australian culture. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the history of gambling in Australia, including the early forms of gambling, the legalization of gambling, the current state of gambling, and the issues and concerns surrounding gambling in Australia.

Early Forms of Gambling

While gambling has been a part of human civilization for thousands of years, the early forms of gambling in Australia were mostly centered around horse racing and lotteries. The first official horse race in Australia was held in 1810, and by the 1830s, horse racing had become a popular pastime. In addition to horse racing, lotteries were also a popular form of gambling in the early years of Australian history. The first lottery in Australia was held in Sydney in 1881, and lotteries remained popular throughout the late 19th century.

In addition to these early forms of gambling, there were also a range of card games and betting games that were played in pubs and other social settings. These games were often informal and unregulated, and the early years of Australian gambling were characterized by a lack of regulation and oversight.

Legalization of Gambling

The legalization of gambling in Australia began in the early 1960s, when totalizator betting was legalized. Totalizator betting, which is a form of betting on horse racing where all bets are pooled together and the winnings are divided among the winners, was first legalized in 1961. This paved the way for the introduction of other forms of gambling, including casinos.

The first legal casino in Australia was the Wrest Point Hotel Casino in Hobart, Tasmania, which opened its doors in 1973. This was followed by the opening of other casinos in Australia, including the Star Casino in Sydney and the Crown Casino in Melbourne. The introduction of casinos was a major milestone for the gambling industry in Australia, and it marked the beginning of a new era of gambling in the country.

Another major development in the Australian gambling industry was the growth of electronic gaming machines, also known as pokies. Pokies were first introduced in the 1990s, and they quickly became a popular form of gambling in Australia. Today, there are more than 200,000 electronic gaming machines in Australia, making them one of the most popular forms of gambling in the country.

Current State of Gambling

The current state of online casinos in Australia is characterized by a range of different forms of gambling, including sports betting, casino gambling, and electronic gaming machines. One of the most popular forms of gambling in Australia is sports betting, which has grown significantly in popularity in recent years. In addition to traditional sports betting, there has also been a rise in online sports betting, with many Australians now using online sports betting platforms to place their bets.

Another popular form of gambling in Australia is casino gambling, with a range of different casinos operating throughout the country. These casinos offer a range of different games, including blackjack, roulette, and poker, and they attract millions of visitors each year.

Electronic gaming machines, or pokies, are also a popular form of gambling in Australia, with more than 200,000 machines operating throughout the country. 


In conclusion, the history of gambling in Australia is a complex and fascinating one. From the early forms of horse racing and lotteries to the introduction of casinos and electronic gaming machines, gambling has become an integral part of Australian culture. While the gambling industry generates significant revenue for the Australian economy, there are also concerns about the negative social impact of problem gambling. The ongoing debates about the appropriate level of regulation for the gambling industry highlight the need for careful consideration of the issues and concerns surrounding gambling in Australia.

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