Top Tips For Getting That Summer Body

So here we are, a new year and if you’re anything like me then you’ll probably have gained some extra weight over the holiday season. If I’m being completely honest, my weight wasn’t exactly where I want sit to be prior to the holidays but we all know that November isn’t exactly the best time to start a health kick.

As happens almost every year, the new year ushers in new, renewed hope and gives us energy and vigor to get ourselves in shape for the coming year. Each year I make plans to look great in February or in March but this year I’m switching things up a bit. I don’t want to do any more faddy diets so this January I am making plans to completely alter my lifestyle and I am aiming to be in great shape this summer. If you want to do the same then here are some handy tips for getting that summer body.


Cut Corners

There is absolutely nothing wrong with cutting a corner or two when it comes to losing weight, I recently had some liposuction done underneath my jaw to help me get started, it is always tricky fat to shift and I felt like doing so would give me the boost I needed to get the rest of my body in line. If you’re interested in this surgery then check out the Sono Bello reviews, that’s where I had it done and it was perfect.

Stop Planning the Fat

What most of us do when we seek to lose weight is to stop eating the junk and drinking too much, the problem when we do this however is that we just plan when, in the future, we can do so again. All that ends up happening is that we have 3 or 4 great months and then we revert back to where we started. This year I am completely changing my attitude towards alcohol and fatty foods, I cannot cut them out completely but I am most certainly going to adopt a less is more approach.

Buy the Bikini Now

Worn a swimsuit in the past few years to cover up your belly? Me too but this year is different, this year I have already ordered my bikini, it is four sizes too small and I have hung it up in my room to remind e of why I am pushing myself so much. Buying your bikini too small at this stage in the year is the perfect way to keep you inspired and motivated to lose that weight and get your body in shape.

In the past I have tried to make extreme weight loss or diets in late-May/June in order to get in shape for the summer seasons. It never works all I end up doing is losing a little and then piling it back on during the summer months, this year I’m talking a different approach and you should do so too.

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